
Writer Wednesday.

I've decided that every Wednesday I'm going to blog on the topic of writing.  Sometimes about how my own writing is coming along and other times about the art of writing in general.

Yesterday I realized that I have a big writing project starting in about a week.  It's something I decided to tackle while I was participating in NaNoWriMo last year, but I didn't think about it again until yesterday which means I have little time to prepare.

100 pages in 30 days!  Starting in 9 days!

Still though, not nearly as bad as the 50,000 words in 30 days for NaNoWriMo.

That I decided to try the day before it started.

With no hint of a plot or main character.

Yeah, that was interesting...

I didn't make it to 50,000 words because eventually my lack of preparation caught up with me, but I was so glad that I tried.  I came out of it with the beginnings of a story that I love just as much as the one that I've worked on for over a decade.  And the comfort in knowing that I'm not a one trick pony.  I have other stories to tell if I decide to.

Prior to NaNo there had been times that I wondered if I was just going to finish my little fantasy story and that would be it.  There had never been any story ideas that I loved as much as that one.  Of course I'd never tried to seriously come up with others, but whatever...  NaNo taught me that I could care just as much about another project which was a huge relief to me.

I don't know what will come of Script Frenzy, but I know at the very least it'll be a lot of fun!  I love the actual process of screenwriting more than any other form of writing.


cin said...

Don't forget to write today...

I'm waiting for your weekly wednseday writing write up! :-) Feel free to steal the name! ;-)

Jill Kinchen said...

It's coming! (eventually ;-) )