
Writer Wednesday has a bone to pick with Show vs. Tell.

About a year ago I had a serious chat with myself.  If I wanted to get published I'd have to actually, well, write.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm pretty good at doing anything other than writing.

Rearranging the arts and crafts closet?  Sure.
Organizing the bookmarks on my laptop?  Check.
Fatal Attractions marathon?  Why not? (The chimpanzee episode freaked me out so much I think I have a mild chimp phobia now.)

If I wanted to get published I'd also have to study up on the craft. Over the years I've read a lot of books on writing poetry and screenplays, but I'd never read a single one on novel writing.

I'd also never read any writer blogs, but it didn't take long to find some amazing ones.  (See Kristen Lamb's blog for evidence.)

Show vs. tell is a writer rule that I come across often on blogs.  Maybe more than any other rule, but it could just seem that way because I have a bit of a bone to pick with showing versus telling.

Here's a confession.  I enjoy exposition.  I love backstory.  I love internal dialogue.  All that plot-dragging stuff.  But that's not why I have an issue with showing versus telling.  Well, maybe a little.

The main problem I have with it is that some people tend to take it too far.  I've seen fellow writers suggest changing every single spot in a WIP where there is telling instead of showing.  Say what?  Wouldn't literary fiction completely disappear if a writer couldn't ever tell? If I took all the telling out of the 130 pages of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay that I've read so far I'd be left with about 6.  All right, maybe a few more than that, but seriously...

I realize that show vs. tell exists for a good reason and some writers just don't know how to show, but I think there is a danger of sucking the life out of a story if a writer fixates too much on showing.

Maybe that's just me though.

I was starting to wonder if that was the case until I read this AWESOME post on Jody Hedlund's blog.

It's not just me!  I'm not a new writer--I've been writing since I was a small child--but I am new at this writer blog-following, craft-studying fiction business so I second guess myself often.  I haven't yet learned when to trust my instincts and when to follow "the rules".

I'm not saying that I plan to ignore Show or that Tell and I are going to run off and get hitched, but it's nice to know that I'm not entirely alone in my thinking.


cin said...

Yeah, it's a tough line to walk. Action is great but the thing I've learned about me is that I'm an emotional writeR and often, very introspective so I'd rather TELL you what is bugging me and why.

I will say, after having kept a blog now for close to 3 months (wow!) Instinct counts for a lot. I read over my posts and instantly seem to get what works. "That doesn't sound right, that doesn't flow well..."

I don't know if it's coming from writing pretty much every other day (easier to see the consistent mistakes) or if my instincts are kicking in and saying "Really?"

Hard to know. I guess the moral of the story is, keep writing what you enjoy. If you enjoy it, chances are others will too.

cin said...

Oh and LOL at your monkey pic..it IS kind of creepy! :-)

Jill Kinchen said...

I've always kinda prided myself on having good instincts when it comes to creative things and over the years I've used that as a reason not to consult outside sources. But I decided that if I truly want to get published I can't rest strictly on my instincts. Now it's just a matter of balancing craft "rules" with instinct.

Have you ever watched Fatal Attractions? Oh man, it can be soooo creepy. The chimp episode features this story:


Don't read that if you've recently eaten.