
Favorite things 2.

I finally got around to taking photos of more favorite things around this joint.  It only took me two months.  See here for the first installment.

A 1920s typewriter.

Part of my 1930s-50s seltzer bottle collection. 

An antique dough bowl.

The seltzer bottles and the dough bowl live in the kitchen, but there is no natural light in there so I pulled them out to get some decent photos.

Yes, obviously I love old things, since that's all these posts have consisted of so far.  I like to shop, but I only do it about once a month because it's mentally draining.  Yet I think I could go antiquing nearly every day and not get tired of it.

Do you have any items in your house that you're particularly attached to?  And is it sad that I often have nightmares about a fire sweeping through and destroying all of my pretties?  Yes?  Ok, then.

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