I've made it to 50 posts. Well, to 50 published posts at least. There are a few half-written drafts that you're probably better off not being subjected to.
As it's Writer Wednesday I thought I'd commission (moi) a limerick to commemorate this momentous occasion. (No, I haven't been drinking. Although I am under the influence of high-fructose corn syrup—excuse me, corn sugar—at the moment, so keep that in mind.)
There once lived a blogger named Jill
who found blogging a right bitter pill.
"A limerick," she said,
"Would help clear out my head."
From there it went decidedly downhill.
Ha. Ok, I actually enjoy blogging most of the time even though it still doesn't feel entirely authentic yet.
I'm honestly surprised I've made it this far. Maybe it's time I actually start letting people know that I have a blog?
Or should I just wait 'til 100? That limerick will probably be better.
Or not. Remember this post?
LOL. I loooked on Wednesday and you had no update. I was going to raz you for skipping a Wed. but you were just a bit late and you posted cool pics. :-)
Yup, letting people know about your blog might be good unless you are ok with talking to yourself, hey I do it all the time on mine! It's sheap therapy!
lol I must learn to check my typing..cheap not sheap. lol baaaaaaahhhh :-)
So far I haven't missed any Wednesdays. Or Fridays, although those are easy. And the last couple of months I've averaged 3 a week. Woohoo. I'm getting better at this. Well, at least better in quantity. Not sure about the quality. ;-)
I don't mind talking to myself—I do it all the time offline—but at some point in the near future I really do need to start getting people over here. Otherwise, I'm not really building an "internet presence."
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