
Blog singing.

I'm on vacation this week so my posts will likely be lacking, but then, let's be honest; it's not like they were literary to begin with.

When I considered starting a blog, I heard that blogging was good writing practice, yet I'm not exactly honing my skills here.  From the start I had to let go of the notion of a well-written blog just so I could get any blogging done at all, otherwise I'd spend hours on a short post.  I'm a pathological perfectionist, in case you haven't already caught on to that.  (Refer to my original post.)

The good news is that I've finally gotten to the point where I can crank out a post in 20 minutes if needed and be OK with it, despite imperfections.  The bad news is that the writing here has not improved.  But then, I look at blogging, at least for me, as an extension of speaking.  If you talk to me in person I ramble, go off on tangents, basically barely manage to remain coherent.  Some days I imagine I'm not coherent at all.  I certainly don't watch the number of adverbs I use or cut out all passive verbs.

I follow several blogs written by writers and many of them sing beautifully.  Some read like poetry, others like essays. Maybe one day my blog will sing too, or at least learn to stay on pitch, but for now it's just me squawking out loud about whatever comes to mind.  Too many adverbs, adjectives, passive verbs, way too many commas.  The parentheticals can probably go.  Sentences could stand to be more economical altogether.  Half the time my posts don't have a clear point.  The other half, the blog itself doesn't have a clear point.

I'm OK with all of that.  For now.  If it means I keep blogging.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

This ia one of mt fav posts from you because it's very "you." Hope you are enjoying your time away!