
9 hours to go.

Don't wave anything leather, tailored, and/or antique at me during November.  I don't want any distractions!


Laura Fuller said...

So no overly tanned old men in Italian suits should come knocking on your door this month? Hehehe! Just kidding. It's terrible about the distractions, though. Between homeschooling, trying to buy a house, and just the random craziness of six children running around I am wondering just how I'm going to do this. BUT, I am committed, and at the end of the month I just may end up being "committed". But, I'll have a rough draft of a novel to keep me company! ;)

Jill Kinchen said...

Not unless it's Ed McMahon coming to bring me a giant check!

You'll have plenty to do at the funny farm with your manuscript. Just think, 5-6 revisions! One for structure, Two for plot, Three for character continuity, four for POV, five for theme, six for voice. There. Done! You're booked up for a nice long stay. :-)