
Let's try this again.

I was overly ambitious with my NaNo goal for the week.  Turns out that building plot points before character is impossible.  At least for me.  Exactly how does plot-driven writing work? It's a mystery.

Anyway, needless to say, I don't have 8 plot points yet.  Or 2 even.

New NaNo goals for the week:

First, flesh out the protagonist and main antagonist.  This includes backstory, motivations, ordinary world, etc.

Second, come up with a disturbance.  Also known as an inciting incident.  This is something that hints to the reader very early on in the story—often even the first page—that something is about to threaten the protagonist's ordinary world. 

Third, determine the first doorway (a la James Scott Bell).  This is where the protagonist is thrust into the second act and there is no going back.  For example, the moment in the original Star Wars when Luke returns home to find his aunt and uncle murdered.  Luke is pushed through that first doorway into the second act.  He can not go back to how things were before.  He is forced into action.

Although I do not have 8 plot points yet, all was not lost this past week.  The concept came more into focus.  It's not quite as nebulous.  Still, fingers crossed I accomplish the goals this time around.  They make more sense with how I roll as a writer.

For kicks, here is my photo tease hint of the week:

Even less helpful than the last one, right?  Trust me when I say it isn't as vague a hint as it seems.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

hmm I posted here yesterday but it didn't show up. I said the guy in your story has lost his memory and id looking for answers in the bookstore! Easy!