
NaNo stream of consciousness.

I've got NaNoWriMo on the brain.  With less than a month to go, I'm finally beginning to feel the pressure.  Last year, planning ahead was not an option.  I had no choice but to write off the cuff.  Why?  See here.

Having some time to plan this year almost makes the pressure heavier because I expect any preparation to show in the outcome.  I can't blame poor writing on pantsing (writing by the seat of your pants).  But then, with 50,000 words in 30 days as a goal, ad-libbing is just gonna happen.  I doubt even a set of plans reminiscent of Rowling could escape that.

What I would like to escape is the burn out that occurred last NaNo.  I ended the project with the start of a good story, but a weak structure.  The characters were there.  The plot, not so much.  

Without over-planning (and risk losing the excitement of last NaNo) I'd like a clear premise, a solid structure, and fully realized main characters by November 1st.  After that, I expect to toss out plot points, rearrange others, and conjure new characters on the spot, but even so, I'm hoping that plotting ahead of time with allow me a greater chance at success.

I've decided on high concept, in contrast to last year's coming-of-age tale.  I haven't landed on a premise yet, but that's my goal for next Wednesday (October 12th).

You may hold me to it.

Wish me luck!  I'm not good at brainstorming on demand.

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