
Are we all still alive?

I hope everyone in the U.S. survived Black Friday.  That nobody got trampled on or lost an eyeball over a flat screen.

If you did lose an eye, I hope you still manage to read the round-up.  ;-)

Structure Part 8—Balancing the Scenes that Make Up Your Novel  by Kristen Lamb

Do You Suffer From One of These Writing Maladies?  (Part II)  by Nathan Bransford

5 Subplot Blunders to Avoid  by Lynnette Labelle

Stimulus and Response:  The Writer's Path Through Story  by Martina Boone

4 Steps For Organizing Plot Ideas Into a Novel  by Jody Hedlund


Check out those gams.

I may not have the energy to blog about writing this month, but there are always gratuitous shots of vintage and antiques to share!

I finally got around to taking photos of the furniture cart with the good camera.

Aren't those old iron wheels and hardware beautiful?  Except that they weren't looking so hot when D and I hauled the thing up three flights of stairs by ourselves.  It weighs at least 200-300 pounds.  That cast iron is heavy!

Oh, here's the other side.

And the full body shot.

Which reminds me, I took several of the steamer trunk too.  I'll post those another day.

Last, but never least, kitty pics!

Yep, another box.  It's a sickness.

But look, she isn't only about the boxes.

Tick tock.

One week left to go.  Check out that word count!


Are we there yet?

Halfway done!

I know this is a sad excuse for a post, but working on the NaNovel is about all the writing I can muster most days.


That's a big knife you've got there.

I love that NaNoWriMo has such influence these days that most writing blogs are littered with references all throughout November.

Here are my picks this week:

Editing—Are You Butchering Your Creativity?  by Kristen Lamb  (I think Kristen channeled my subconscious for this one.)

Structure Part 6—Getting Primal & Staying Simple  by Kristen Lamb

Writing on a Theme  by Mary Kole

Be a More Confident Writer:  5 Choices That Might Be Hurting Instead of Helping  by Annie Neugebauer

The Art of REwriting  by Susan Dennard

Can You "Fast Draft"?  by Jami Gold

Description:  Novel Openings  by Karen Strong

Sweat Equity:  Perspiration vs. Inspiration in Writing  by Laura Drake


You're not so tough, NaNo.

I'm still alive!  Made it through the first week intact, more or less.  

I finally put up a word counter over there on the side bar so that you can spy on my progress.  I would have done it earlier, but they weren't available on the website when NaNo began.  Just to warn you, I'm taking the rest of the week off to work on plotting so the counter's probably not going to start moving again until next week.

I'm enjoying the process much more this time around.  Not a single tear so far!  I'll elaborate once the month is over.

Until then, keep your fingers crossed for me.  Or your toes, if your fingers begin to cramp. However, I don't recommend crossing your eyes for any length of time.  :-)