
NaNo status update.

Lens:  Libatique
Film:  Pistil
Flash:  Off

Yep, another Hipsta-pic of the typewriter.  I know, it's getting old, but I'm trying to cut the google images out of the blog, and really, what else can I take a photo of for a post about writing?  A Bic pen?  A quill and a little jar of ink?  How about a papyrus scroll?  Something to keep an eye out for while antiquing, I guess.

Anyway, as usual, NaNo is chapping my behind.  The month is more than half over and I haven't decided on an idea yet.  I do have one with potential, but it's vague, and it could easily turn into something horrid.  Or something entirely mediocre.  I'm not sure which is worse.

That said, my favorite NaNo manuscript to date is the original one which began November 1st as nothing more than an image.  It was also my hardest NaNo and I'd like to keep the tears to a minimum this year.  The more I plan, the easier it'll come.  At least that's what I keep telling myself.


On the docket.

These are just because I don't like photo-less posts.  The geese were feeling especially friendly this particular day.  I took the pictures last month during the Hipstamatic challenge, but they had nothing to do with the theme that day.

Lens:  John S
Film:  Ina's 1969
Flash:  Off

Speaking of the Hipstamatic challenge, I've finally recovered.  You'd think a photo-a-day situation would be pretty easy, except that most days it was 30 minutes trying to come up with an idea that marginally resembled the theme, 20-photos-a-day, picking out a few that didn't make me want to cry, and then posting them here.  It turned into at least an hour of work every day, sometimes more.  Glad I didn't drop the ball a single day, but even more glad that it's done!

Also, I think I've finally recovered from Hurricane Isaac.  Thankfully we were only without power for a day and a half.  Although I did gain about 3 pounds from all that sodium-laden overly-processed crap that I inhaled!  Oh, have I never shared my love for processed food?  See here for my hurricane diet.   

Here's what I have going on this month:  prep work for the next NaNo novel, working up the energy to finish the last Script Frenzy script, and catching up on some graphic design projects.  The goal for NaNo is to land on a solid idea so that I can start fleshing it out next month.  Also, I hope to create another cover like last year.

Has anybody got any grand ideas for a novel?  It can be anything.  An interesting character, a wacky plot, whatever.


Make beautiful: day 31.

Theme:  obsession.

I made it!  31 themes in 31 days.  I think the Hipstamatic app needs a nice long nap.

I'm obsessed with taking photos of the pond.  Especially when the ducks, geese, or egrets are around.  Sadly, my favorite tree—visible in the first two photographs—was uprooted during the hurricane.  The trash strewn in the final photo is from the storm.

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Pistil
Flash:  Off

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Pistil
Flash:  Pop Rox

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Pistil
Flash:  Off

Make beautiful: day 30.

Theme:  corners.

Check out that gorgeous dovetailing.

Lens:  Matty ALN
Film:  AO DLX
Flash:  Off

Make beautiful: day 29.

Theme:  bright.

The hurricane knocked me offline for two days, but I'm finally back up and running.  Power, internet, cable, the whole nine yards.

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Pistil
Flash:  Off


Make beautiful: day 28.

Theme:  Foodie SnapPak.  A lens, film, and flash combo.

We've got our hurricane stash ready to go in case we lose electricity for a few days.  Crackers, ravioli, trail mix, veggie chips, beef jerky.  All junk—minus the trail mix and veggie chips—that I don't normally buy, but when Mother Nature throws your lemons, have a Hurricane party!  

Lens:  Loftus
Film:  DC
Flash:  Tasty Pop


Make beautiful: day 27.

Theme:  design.

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Film:  Pop Rox

The eye of Hurricane Isaac is projected to hit land on Wednesday.  The outer bands are expected as early as tonight.  Hopefully I'm far enough inland that we don't lose electricity, but if I'm MIA for a few days it isn't because this photo challenge beat me!  I'll be back to finish it as soon as possible.


Make beautiful: day 26.

Theme:  perspective.

I thought that since I've used the top half of the ladder for this Hipstamatic challenge I might as well use the bottom half too.

Lens:  Bettie XL
Film:  Float
Flash:  Pop Rox

Lens:  Bettie XL
Film:  Float
Flash:  Off

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Ina's 1969
Flash:  Off


Make beautiful: day 25.

Theme:  horizon.

It's nearly impossible to catch a true horizon in South Louisiana because of the trees.

Lens:  Jimmy
Film:  Kodot XGrizzled
Flash:  Off


Make beautiful: day 24.

Theme:  Foxy + Ina's 1982

I thought I'd experiment with the flashes today since I rarely use them.

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Standard

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Jolly Rainbo 2X

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Cherry Shine

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982 
Flash:  Laser Lemon Gel

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  RedEye Gel

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Tasty Pop

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Pop Rox

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1082
Flash:  Dreampop

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Berry Pop

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  Ina's 1982
Flash:  Cadet Blue Gel


Make beautiful: day 23.

Theme:  travel.

A dress I bought in Hong Kong many moons ago.

Lens:  Libatique 73
Film:  Ina's 1969
Flash:  Off

A clay oil lamp from Jerusalem.

Lens:  Jimmy
Film:  Kodot XGrizzled
Flash:  Off


Make beautiful: day 22.

Theme:  night.

I went ultra modern with this one.

Lens:  Libertique 73
Film:  Rock BW-11
Flash:  Off

Lens:  James M
Film:  Alfred Infrared
Flash:  Off

Ha.  That's what the pond looks like tonight.  Usually the fountains are lit up, but no such luck. There aren't any stars and apparently the moon isn't feeling particularly glowy this evening.  It's just a very dark night and not conducive to quality photography.  At least not with an old iPhone.  

Oh well.  Can't win them all.


Make beautiful: day 21.

Theme:  different.

A puzzle box from Romania that I gave D for his birthday last year.  It requires 7 steps, including finding the key, to open.

Lens:  Salvador 84
Film:  AO DLX
Flash:  Off

Lens:  John S
Film:  AO DLX
Flash:  Off

Lens:  John S
Film:  AO DLX 
Flash:  Off

Lens:  Foxy
Film:  DreamCanvas
Flash:  Off