
Gift giving 2.

I mentioned in yesterday's post that today I'd share what was inside those brown boxes.

Lots and lots of clay.  What else?  I've forgotten the final ornament tally, but I know it was somewhere well above 300.

Here are photos of some of the ornaments I gave to family members.  Again, like yesterday, I apologize for the sad sad photos.  I had a small window of time to take them in and it was a dark, rainy day.

Personalized ornaments and Merry Christmas in various languages.

For this batch of ornaments I added glitter to the wet clay.  I also used glitter to write the names.

I left the glitter out of this set and used sand to personalize them.

More clay garland.  

This time I went with:
a star, a star, dancing in the night
let your heart be light
merry & bright
in the lane snow is glistening  

Lyrics from 4 different songs.  10 points if you can tell me the names of all 4 without looking them up.

I didn't only make clay ornaments so if you're sick of clay—what's wrong with you???—this photo is for you.

Hand-glittered wooden snowflakes.

To put my ornament and garland-making into perspective, I went through nearly 5 pounds of clay.  I suspect I inhaled half a pound from fumes alone.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more gift giving goodness.  Typography art!

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