
Taking a break.

Poor Writer Wednesday.  It just came back from hiatus after the holidays, didn't even get a decent return, and now I'm sending it off again.

I'm not taking a break from writing, just the Wednesday scheduled writing-themed posts (which may or may not include Writer Round-Up as well).  I still plan on blogging on the subject when inspiration strikes, but lately I've been struggling more and more to come up with something useful to say about it.  On the other hand, I've got a long list of non-writing related topics ready to go.  

I don't know how long Writer Wednesday (and possibly Writer Round-Up) will be gone or if it's even coming back.  I'm at the point where I'd really like to decide, once and for all, what this blog is going to be.  Is it a writer blog?  A personal blog on which anything goes?  An arts and crafts blog?  What?  By the one year mark in mid-March I hope to have that figured out.

I haven't blogged about my non-writing resolutions for the year yet, but one of them is to overhaul this website.  It needs a new look, definitely a new tag line (the art of creation was always meant to be a placeholder), and a clearer vision.  I doubt I'll have all of that resolved by March, but at least some of it?  In the meantime I plan to just go with the flow.  Blog about whatever strikes my fancy.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do with this place, let me have 'em.  


Cindy said...

Just make it yours. You'll know it when you write it, or show it in pictures, or find a good quote.

When I started mine, all I could think about was OMG I have nothing to say and as you can see, I found stuff to talk about.

Of course I know most people don't care about what I have to say, that's okay too.

A girl came out of the woodwork and commented on my Quebec pics, saying she would have to find time to visit because it just looked so pretty. Good enough for me. I'm fostering international relations! LOL. It is what it is which is in fact, whatever you want to make it!

Cindy said...

P.S Please finish the night circus so you can put another book cover up! :-)

Jill Kinchen said...

Ha ha I really do need to finish that darn book!

Although I'm always this way and that way with my blog and haven't made up my mind about what I want it to be, the one good thing is that I've always got ideas of things to write about. When I started I had nothing to say either. Thankfully that isn't the case anymore!