
Writing resolutions.

Of all the resolutions I've made in recent years, I think the ones I've had the hardest time achieving were the writing-related ones.  I'm not sure why that is.  Maybe if I post them on my blog it'll help?

Here are my goals for 2012:

1.  Edit at least one of my books to the point where I can start querying agents.  This was one of last year's resolutions that didn't happen.

2.  Complete both Script Frenzy and NaNoWriMo.

3.  Get better at blogging about writing.  

4.  Write at least one script outside of Script Frenzy.

5.  Start building a writer support group via blogs, Twitter, etc.

I may come up with more as the year goes, but these will keep me pretty busy.

Anyone else have any specific writing resolutions for the year?  Cindy?  Yes, I like to call you out.  ;-)

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