There is a scene in act one of my latest script that takes place in an abandoned amusement park. I didn't conjure that park from my imagination. I had inspiration and I thought I would share it.
This is Six Flags New Orleans. Or was before Katrina. Check out the link at the bottom for many more photos. Most were taken last year. 6 years after the hurricane.
A year after the storm Six Flags determined that the park was a total loss and that they would not rebuild.
I hear that the powers that be decided last month to turn the space into an outlet mall so they're finally going to do something with it.
creepy--I don't understand why it would be left like that. It's neighbourhood clean up time! My guess, owners probably never got insurance so just left the big mess since it was going to cost a bundle to clean up. You'd think people could banned together and do it for free.
They had insurance, but it wasn't enough to cover the cost to clean it up. The park was one of the company's least successful which didn't help I'm sure. It's located in NO's Ninth Ward which was ground zero for the flooding.
As far as people banding together to do it, there are still neighborhoods in the area that haven't been rebuilt yet so an amusement park probably isn't considered a priority. I'm just glad they're finally going to do something about it because it's just sad thinking of it sitting there like that.
These are so creepy but very cool. They need to film a scene from The Secret Circle there...
Good idea, James.
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