
Fade to black.

It's over!  Script Frenzy is decidedly more challenging when not writing an adaptation, which is what I've done the previous years.  

I started out writing the scenes in order so that I could post them here, but towards the end of act one I began hopping around to whichever scenes I felt like writing in the moment.  This helped keep me from stalling.  But, because of that, there are quite a few holes in the script.  Act one is complete, but two and three are not.  I intend to share the remainder, but I need a break from script writing for at least a week before I begin filling in those holes.  As I said before, I don't want to post the script out of order. 

In the meantime, here are the final scenes from act one.

Act One C

And here is the entire first act.

Act One (complete)

Now it's time for a long nap.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

congrats on finishing! still reading!:-)