
Fried goodness.

Lens:  Loftus
Film:  DC
Flash:  Off

My Hipstamatic photo of the day.  Shrimp po-boy and sweet potato fries.  Delicious!


Cindy said...

how bout REAL fries and a roast beef sandwich like that?? lol

Jill Kinchen said...

I'm not much of a regular fry girl. I'll eat them sometimes because they're there, but they don't usually benefit my meal. Sweet potato fries, on the other hand, I love.

I enjoy thinly shaved roast beef, otherwise it doesn't do much for me either. I'll stick with the shrimp!

Cindy said...

ITA on the thinly shaved..I'll get that when I come..you stick with your shrimp/seafood :-)