

The blog redesign is complete.  Favicon, media buttons, and custom About Me all changed to match the header.  In my opinion, this place looks much better, especially when compared to the original look.

It still doesn't quite look professional, but that's what I was going for.  For example, the trend nowadays for media buttons is to use single letters—F for Facebook, T for Twitter—but I didn't want the blog to look like it'd been touched by a real designer.  Which it doesn't.  Because I'm not.  I don't know why I feel that way.  Maybe it's that so many of the professionally designed blogs blend into each other after a while?  Or maybe it's because I enjoy doing it myself, but haven't learned enough about blog design to step it up to the next level.  Or maybe it's simply that I wanted it a bit rough and worn around the edges, just how I like my antiques.  Probably all of the above.

Speaking of the header, I never did get around to explaining why I chose that particular Alice quote.  I haven't forgotten and I will get to it eventually, in case anyone is curious.

Update:  I decided to add word verification to the comments.  I hate having to do that, but I've received 10 spam comments in the last 4 days and I'm tired of having to delete them.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Ohhh...you have spammers? I never get anything..lol.

Looks good!