Theme: mischief
Is there anything more mischievous than a cat? Doubtful.
Lens: Watts
Film: DC
Flash: Off
Lens: Watts
Film: DC
Flash: Off
It's hard to tell from this photo, but there are little bits of feather toy everywhere.
Lens: John S
Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain
Flash: Off
Lens: Lucifer VI
Film: DC
Flash: Off
All that naughtiness is exhausting. A nap with Mr. Squiggles, her Zhu Zhu pet, is in order.
Lens: Lucifer VI
Film: DC
Flash: Off
Lens: Jane
Film: Kodot XGrizzled
Flash: Off
Lens: John S
Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain
Flash: Off
Lens: Loftus
Film: DC
Flash: Off
Lens: Jane
Film: Kodot XGrizzled
Flash: Off
Hi, really like the appearance of ones website. Can you mind saying what theme youre making use of? I’m not used to this and i am hoping to have mine looking anywhere close to cool as yours. Many thanks.
I used the Simple template, but I customized it a bit.
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